
Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Thanks for purchasing at by ComBiz Services Pvt Ltd. All services and products will be regarded as consumed after the purchase order has been confirmed with license and product delivery.

Unless specified, refunds for our digital products and services will not be provided. All users should be aware that purchasing and activating our software constitutes a final sale once purchased and activated, the product cannot be returned and ComBiz Services Pvt Ltd will not issue a refund.

  • We do not offer a money-back refund policy for all purchases made on our website. If you are not satisfied with our product that you have purchased, you can’t get your money back.
  • We encourage our customers to take a Demo before making any purchase so only pay if you are satisfied with the demo
  • If you have any additional questions or would like to request a refund, feel free to write us at
  • A cancellation request shall contain the following important key points:

    Full name of the Client

    Residential address

    Contact e-mail and phone number

    Service/Software Details

    Payment amount, date of payment, used payment method (i.e. credit/debit cards);

    Payment identification number

    The reasons of the cancellation

Note- We reserve the right to cancel or not to cancel the subscriptions.


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